In everyday life, any event can become a source of learning.

For most people, the Blackjack is primarily a game is good and which are called the people who go to casinos: players. What differentiates the counter of the player? ... His winning.
Indeed, it is evident in the film that counters win every time . While for the player, the only winner is ... Casino!
is often compared to the stock market casino. People say things like " he got lucky on this value " or " this year was not good for me . As if luck was the most important factor for making money on the stock exchange. A Value and Profit, we actually believe that those who take the grant for a playground, which means taking the investment for a game, will fare for expenses: some gains, but mostly losses.
The value investor must do his homework. It calculates for each security that it considers intrinsic value as the most realistic. It compares this value to price - ie in the title - and if there is indeed a significant difference between the value and price (of course, if the value exceeds the price, not the reverse!), and although it may consider this value as likely to be an attractive purchase. It's a sense that the investor value style will publish the results in each of the following titles to estimate if their value has changed in the right direction or not and then decide whether such securities should be held, purchased or sold. is a mathematical logic.
course, you also have the right to play and dream. If you find a title that should have tremendous growth in the future but is still at the beginning of his fantasy epic, by purchase, he may get rich in an impressive ... or when you lose your bet. In this case, you are at the casino.
At one point in the film, the gifted student Ben Campbell "loses it": it does count. He decided to gamble and lose everything that he and his "team" have won. Afterward, his mentor catches it and said: " you did not expect more, you were playing! .
The scholarship is a place to meet many different characters , some players will be, other counters. In your opinion, who has the best chance of winning?
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