We celebrate today the feast of S. Pius of Pietrelcina, born Francisco Forgione (1887-1968). The church of his childhood was dedicated to Our Lady of the Angels there was very often, and he lived all his life not far from Mount Gargano, San Giovanni Rotondo.
opportunity for us to ponder the words of the bishop of Ars, Bishop Guy Bagnard, during the last feast of S. Cure of Ars, a perfect model of the hero of the day.
opportunity for us to ponder the words of the bishop of Ars, Bishop Guy Bagnard, during the last feast of S. Cure of Ars, a perfect model of the hero of the day.
"Our time is certainly not in the revolutionary upheaval, but the pillars on which it rests are cracked and in danger of collapsing. Thus, for example: the dissemination of culture of death through laws that ruin the marriage, destroy the family, rejecting life and a shadowy secularism that seeks to direct the consciences of unprecedented violence in schools, youth without marks, thank you to the slogans of the moment; the widening gap between rich and poor, etc..
Like yesterday, Jean-Marie Vianney would now eyes open on this world. He knew nothing happened that made the news in our daily lives. But we would show the same path he took: holiness. We say:
- be in truth with yourself: call Good and Evil by name, uncompromising, as Pope Benedict XVI is working today to clean the Church.
- Do not just an average life ; Evangelists who are not afraid to proclaim the Faith. To do this, like the humble beginnings, remembering the parable of the mustard seed: everything starts remains small, hidden and silent, it's not that glitters that the promises of the future.
- Be faithful to make Sunday a meeting with God.
- Help the priests to become ever more holy priests.
- Be happy to see one of your children choose the priesthood or consecrated life.
- Above all, have an unshakeable faith in the power of grace that can at any moment bring about the unexpected. Still see what John Vianney: "There will come a time when men are so tired of men qu’on ne pourra plus leur parler de Dieu sans qu’ils se mettent à pleurer. »
Le Jour de Dieu sera toujours devant nous ! »
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