Egypt: Web 0.0, the end of the illusion Internet
was extinguished Internet in Egypt. In a few phone calls, a few lines of program ... Finished Facebook, Twitter, email, Skype, YouTube ...
But did not there be proclaimed everywhere, invulérabilité the Internet to central decisions! Ah! The superiority of networks distributed over the network centralized ... "The Computer Is The Netwoks " (Sun) and other nonsense! The network has a interrrupteur, and Egypt has demonstrated, in collaboration with Western firms eager. Thank you Vodafone (which owns 44% of SFR). Egypt that a few days earlier, was celebrated as a technology hub of the Internet ... That will reassure
"powers", small and larger, all that fear transparency, communication redoubt, the association, the multitude. And we remember all of a sudden the radio, for example, is less vulnerable (see the London radio escaping the Nazis and their "collaborators"), that the medium paper manuscript is not easily extinguished (see . the samizdat copied and recopied, self-published underground of Soviet Russia) ... It will review our assessment of media, scale back the claims of anarchists: Internet, like all media, is in the hands of "government". There is no anti- power, a State may imprison its people behind a virtual wall of shame ("Mauer- Schander "), our democracies provide the tools, as once they have provided the wire. Wikileaks remains, indispensable for rocking our illusions.
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