Friday, January 14, 2011

Popped Blood Vessels On Breasts


Today is the birthday of Henri-Marie Boudon, Grand Archdeacon of Evreux. born January 14, 1624, and the anniversary of his baptism.
Here is a picture of the Chapel of the Holy Angels, in which it rests, before the altar.
Pray well for him that day, for his beatification.

The Altar of the Holy Angels

"Friday, 14 of the month, the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, is the day of my birth and my rebirth by baptism, for Divine Providence , which made me postpone the sacred ceremonies until 16 or 26 May (I can not distinguish which of my baptismal two digits) that divine Providence, "I said, intended that I do not fuss one day without Jesus Christ"
; Letter to Mr. Bosguérard, of 12 Jan. 1701 (Letter 264)

"On the 14th of this month is the day of my birth and my rebirth, I've been made a new creature in Jesus Christ. Ah ! Sir: The deer do not sigh so hard after sources of water, like my soul pants (Psal. XI, 2) after new life of the new creature. It is high time, being aged 75 years "
Letter to a clergyman of Paris, from 1 January 1699 ( Letter 84)

"I am writing the day of my birth, which is the feast day of the adorable Name of Jesus, and therefore the day of the celebration of divine rebirth of all Christians"
Letter to Madame de Rouves of 14 Jan. 1671 (Letter 44)


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