The Nine Choirs of Angels
Angel means messenger , is a function. Their nature is to be pure spirits. These are created spirits. They can not have a physical body, it is not their nature: their nature is spirit.
The pure spirits know God by the eternal image that God has put of Himself in them at their creation: they look directly image God of the settlor to have knowledge of their being and existence.
They do not think, but know everything in the limit creates the image of God they are.
Mary Queen of Angels.
The Prince of angels is the archangel St. Michael , he is the prince of all the heavenly court.
The Archangel Gabriel announces the Incarnation of God.
St. Raphael the Archangel is the model of the Guardian Angel.
Writing tells us the existence of seven "spirits" who stand before the glory of God, so there are four others which we do not know the names. No other name is angel to take into consideration the faith that only those that are revealed through writing. If you want to invoke them, we say "the four other princes or archangels or spirits before God."
They illuminate each other and by this hierarchy:
First order: The Seraphim, the glut they receive, feed the Cherubim that illuminate the Thrones.
"Love, O man, the seraphim and are the princes of pure love.
Invoking the names of other angels exposes links demonic (evil angels).
Demons are angels who held the power of nature but who hate God, eternally refuse to serve Him, and strive not to lose and to divert man from his purpose and his real good which is God.
Tradition teaches us the hierarchy of the angels of God (théarchie) into nine choirs divided into three levels and we do not know their number.
- The Seraphim Choir burning with love in nearness to God.
- The Choir of Cherubim shining His Light.
- The Choir of Thrones (or sovereignty) on which it rests.
- The Dominions Choir (Lordships or or) that control of His Kingship.
- The Choir of Virtues (or forces) that support everything by His Force.
- The Choir of Powers (or powers) that protect by His Power.
- The Choir of Principalities representing His Sovereignty
- The Choir of Archangels zealous of His Glory
- The Chorus of Angels faithful servants of His goodness
They illuminate each other and by this hierarchy:
First order: The Seraphim, the glut they receive, feed the Cherubim that illuminate the Thrones.
Second order: The Thrones are part of God's judgments to the Dominions which are run by the Virtues and Powers.
Third Order: The Powers are part of the power of God to represent Him and principalities that govern the Archangels and Angels.
Through devotion to the 9 choirs of Holy Angels, one can ask their intercession for:
- charity and zeal for Seraphim
- the science of light and truth to Cherubim
- peace, humility, to seek only God for Thrones
- command and the reign of good Dominations
- the will and strength to fulfill the will of God to the Virtues
- protection and strength against the demons Powers
- reform the government and self Principalities
- the good zeal and the testimony of god archangels
- purity and fresh assistance of the Angels.
St. Gregory, St. Denis, St. John Chrysostom were the first promoters of the nine Choirs of Holy Angels.
St. Bonaventure (disciple of St. Francis and Doctor of the Church) also wrote the nine Choirs.
Mr. Boudon, archdeacon of Evreux, 1624-1702, died in the odor of sanctity, a lot written about this devotion to the nine choirs of angels.
Usually and normally, the seraphim are represented with six wings: two to cover their face because they see God face to face, two covering their feet to hide their feet before God, and two for flying.
The Cherubim are represented with eyes everywhere because they are God's omniscience and / or with a flaming sword.
The Thrones are represented as wheels.
The Dominions are represented as lords of command with a rod in his hand.
Virtues with a cut hand or hands as a cup.
Powers with a spear (instrument of God's power)
The Principalities with a crown on his head.
The Archangels with a sword in his hand.
Angels with a white robe and a golden girdle.
There are many representations more or less close to the writing and tradition, the imagination in this area is easily the least messy.
V - what Mr. BOUDON
must be pious:
- the Angels to get purity in body and spirit, charity neighbor and patience.
- the Archangels to get the zeal of God's interest.
- Principalities to obtain the reform of our inside.
- Powers to obtain the destruction effort, dees temptations, cunning, and force demons.
- the Virtues to obtain a resource in our weaknesses, to overcome our attachments and resist our inclinations.
- the Dominions to obtain knowledge of God's orders and not confuse our will with God's.
- the Thrones to obtain firm, rest, peace "incomprehensible," God alone suffices.
- the cherubim to get to love contempt, humiliation, poverty, renunciation self, the hidden life.
- the Seraphim to get the excessive love which burns and fire door.
The Choir of Angels is applied to the care of men,
The Choir of Angels is applied to the care of men,
The Choir of the Archangels watch over empires and provinces
The Choir of Principalities communicate them with the orders of Divine Providence,
Chorus Powers resistant devils who oppose the orders of God and destroyed their power,
The Choir of Virtues gives strength to execute the orders of God,
The Choir of Dominions gives the orders of God,
The Choir of Thrones in an elevation very close to the sublime glory of the majesty, the manifest Divine Judgments,
The Choir of the Cherubim is the rebound with abundant holy lights which it is filled in other hierarchies,
The Choir of Seraphim whose love dives, gets lost and damaged in the Divinity is love and clarity in all choirs.
In wartime, have a devotion to the throne in order to invoke their Peace.
scourges and natural disasters, have a devotion to the virtues that govern the seasons, the elements.
Against the efforts of evil spirits, have a devotion to the powers which God has given a very special power.
"Love, O man, the seraphim and are the princes of pure love.
Love the Cherubim, are the great doctors of science of the saints.
Love Thrones, this are the real bosses of repose of the soul, quiet and peace of heart.
Love the Dominions, they will learn to become the master of yourself and of all things, raising you above all being created by an intimate union with the Creator.
Love Virtues, what are the key ways of holy perfection.
Love Powers, they are your advocates against the malice, rage and power of demons.
Love principalities, it is they who take such great care of many monarchies, state, and those who govern.
Love the Archangels are the zealots of the common good, and it receives a thousand blessings in the provinces, in cities, villages and all sorts of countries.
Love, finally, the last of the Angels Choir, this is the stars that we feel more often celestial influences, being closer to us and watching over the good of all men in particular with love and care inexplicable. "(Mr BOUDON, devotion to the nine choirs of angels).
SERAPHIN BURNING, which you placed the home of eternal love, dive ever look in your rays Sun of Justice, in our hearts turn, by virtue of the Divine Blood sacred fire that you're eating.
CHERUBS VERY ILLUMINATED , you who are admitted into the secrets of God, dispel the darkness of our souls, and by virtue of the Blood God, shine in our eyes the supernatural light that makes us understand the truths of salvation.
TRONES BEAUTIFUL AND DAZZLING BEAUTY you upon whom the Almighty, His orders and intimate to the angels below, we get, by virtue of the Blood God, peace with God with the next ACEC and ourselves.
Irresistible you who have authority over all the angelic choirs responsible for executing the orders of God, reign over our minds and our hearts, and by virtue of the Blood God, help us to know and faithfully fulfill the will of God.
invincible power, you who have the task of removing barriers and deter enemies who oppose the exercise of divine will defend us against attacks from the devil's world and the flesh and blood by virtue of divine make us victorious in our struggle against this triple power.
heavenly virtues, which ensure the harmony of the physical creation, you whose name means strength, have mercy on our weaknesses and get us, by virtue of the Blood God, that we suffered with patience all the evils of this life.
sovereign principality, ye princes of Nations, we urge you to ensure an efficient manner on our homeland in order to realize the designs of God upon it. Also govern our souls and our bodies and, by virtue of the Blood God, deign us to reach our eternal destiny.
ARCHANGELS VERY NOBLE you that under the command of Saint Michael, keep and protect the holy Church, deign to deliver it from its internal and external enemies. Also make sure the common Father of the faithful, as well as all the children of this immaculate Bride of Christ, and by virtue of divine blood, made us live and die in his faith, hope and charity so that we eternally united to her Divine Head Jesus Christ our Lord.
VERY HOLY ANGELS you that the zeal interests of God carries faster than lightning wherever they are to be saved, protect its cause in our souls, and, by virtue of the Divine Blood, we get the exceptional grace of final perseverance. Amen.
One could say God is Life of Love ardent (Seraphim) that illuminates (Cherubim) and gives Peace (Thrones) as a King (Dominica), which supports (Virtues) and destroyed everything (Powers) evil, and who should be the prime (Principalities) served in the large (Archangels) as most small (Angels) things.
Is not that what should work the human heart? God lives in the heart of man and the Choirs of Holy Angels are his servants. If is quite the opposite, one can imagine what it's like the heart of man.
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