Saturday, October 2, 2010

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340th anniv. the Feast of SS. Guardian Angels for the universal Church (1670-2010)

Now celebrating one of its fiestas, the Confraternity of the Holy Angels can not help expand somewhat on the history of this wonderful celebration in honor of beings for whom we too often forget that a contemptuous . We include it for the nice article nice article Camille Belmon, based on the book of P. Beautiful, Blessed François d'Estaing, bishop of Rodez (1480-1529) (Chapter III), which we refer willingly.

It is the blessed Bishop of Rodez, Bishop François d'Estaing (1480-1529) to have it approved in 1518 by Pope Leo X an Office and Mass of the Holy Guardian Angels at the date of first March (which was confirmed again in Rome in 1914). Hitherto unknown in France, the festival spread slowly throughout the kingdom. Two churches in Paris in the seventeenth century, honoring the Guardian Angels, the church of SS. Wolf and Gilles and the Fifteen-Twenty. Then, through his cousin, Antoinette Levezou Venerable, Benedictine nun of the monastery-in-part Rodez reforming the convents of Spain and Cardinal Carvajal, the festival took root Across the Pyrenees, especially in Toledo, the Primate's seat.

In a concession of 27 September 1608, Pope Paul V approved the holiday in Germany, the first free day after September 29. Then the Congregation of Rites explained that the festival was still optional. Finally Clement X (the cons), in 1670, required the universal Church, placing October 2.

In short, the institution of this feast was a work for our Bishop preferred embodiment which extends throughout his long episcopate. The thought came to him early in his administration, he began immediately to work, aided by valuable input, but difficulties arose almost simultaneously, and he did his work well as full on the evening of his life. At the same time ended his tour of the beautiful cathedral of Our Lady now enthroned above Rodez, the two companies had progressed and ended simultaneously.

is when Blessed Francis was governor of Avignon that he already took care to compose Office of the Guardian Angel. From that time his pious resolution was adopted. If we are to believe P. Beautiful, it would have even during his embassy to Julius II, the pontiff received this grant from the party by a viva oraculum vocis. The biographer draws his information, he assures, archives of the house Estaing, where he found the instructions given by the holy bishop's secretary for the conduct of the trial on the reform of its calendar. Nothing forces us to untie this assertion, whose source is so well stated. In this case, the institution of the feast and the Office of the Guardian Angel would really was first thought of our Blessed with the dawn of his long episcopate. Scarcely if at that time the problems affecting his election had come to flatten out. He would not have made it into his beloved church, and already he was thinking of building a cult that would become for her a glorious heritage.

In the preface he has put his work, the author of the Office of the Guardian Angel François d'Estaing gave the title of Lieutenant Governor of Avignon and of His Holiness. Here are some lines we received this epistle dedicatory " In proposing the celebration of the Feast of the Guardian Angel, with you obeyed, Reverend Prelate, a thought very high, which dominates the attention and I am surprised not to find much in the past centuries. The Holy Angels, according to the teaching of Jesus Christ, do they not rejoice and do not they celebrate a feast day of our conversion? But it is you who put so much zeal and devotion to promoting the holy things, Divine Providence reserved this institution, which certainly keeps your member Angelo inspired you thought .

we can see, the author presents the establishment of this festival as an innovation that he knows of no instance in the past. Who spoke to the bishop of Rodez? Which had been entrusted by him to find the first formulas of praise at the Holy Guardian Angel? As a pious Franciscan bishop of Puy, Geoffroy de Pompadour, had learned from his monastery to become his coadjutor, it was then called his suffragan. His name was John Colombi, and had the title of Bishop of Troy in Asia Minor. Some documents call Jean Pressure, or Beulence. He has written a book on confession, which appeared in 1548, and where it is called Prison Our Holy Father the Pope in Avignon. François d'Estaing was Abbot of St. Chaffre en Velay, was linked with the religious scholar, and his predilection for the Franciscans was still clear. Colombi Jean François d'Estaing had to follow in Avignon, probably attracted by him and, no doubt helped his influence so great in the court of Rome, he was appointed penitentiary of the Holy Father.

In drafting this motion, Colombi was attached to enumerate the good offices make us the Holy Angels; why he had walked the sacred writings and had drawn all the examples of such protection. The office that we recite today has retained many, many have not yet found a place, although they remain a very successful implementation. This is the episode of the angel who, armed with a sword, is worn out to meet Balaam to curse to prevent the camps of Israel is not the role of our Holy Guardian Angel when , inspiring fear in us healthy, it distracts us from evil? There was still the story of Hagar, leaving the roof of his mistress and returned to duty by the angel of God : Unde Venis aut quo vadis? There was the delicious line reported by Our Divine Master, good gardener who intercedes for too long barren fig tree, condemned to be uprooted: Domine Dimitte etiam hoc and anno, circa eum usque dum fodiam and mittam stercora and siquidem FECER fructum ... We sincerely regret the loss of this example of delicate attentions and merciful to our Guardian Angel, and also the reference to angels, after death of Lazarus, brought his soul in the bosom of Abraham. [...]

He was therefore prepared from 1506 to 1510, when the Blessed One remained in Avignon, and probably offered without delay to the clergy of Rodez. The bishop wanted to submit the formal approval of the Holy See, already warned his pious project, but in recent years, the attitude of Julius II in France had changed considerably. We know how our holy pastor was involved with him despite these unfortunate issues. As he followed the notorious Council of Pisa in his various travels, this was not the time to present a petition to the Holy Father whatever. The service was therefore proposed that the clergy of the diocese, we believe, without waiting for the papal authorization. That no one is surprised to see a bishop arrogate a right that no leader of the diocese would argue today. It was far from the liturgical centralization, nowadays so rigorous. Each bishop is recognized very wide powers. We see St. Francis de Sales himself, about a century later, modify it to his daughters the Office of the Visitation of the Virgin. That earned him some criticism, to which he responded by alleging the example of Italian prelates, and added with good Saint usual sincerity: "Do not tangled mind .

Perhaps François d'Estaing did not press his clergy to adopt the new authority, before the authorization was always the intention to solicit. Sudden liturgical reforms still face old habits and often cause surprises, we will see throughout the next chapter. At the Synod of 1514, the pious prelate proposed innovation and its acceptance by the majority of the clergy attended. It was not just about the Feast of the Guardian Angel, but a total reform of the diocesan calendar. About the same time the cathedral chapter also gave his vote favorable. Leo was, meanwhile, mounted 1a chair of St. Peter and had not held against the French prelates of their opposition to his predecessor. The opportunity presented itself so great to go to the Holy See; François d'Estaing proposed to the pontifical approval his proposed reform of the Calendar of Rodez, including the insertion of the Feast of the Guardian Angels, with proper office , March 1.

He accompanied his petition a letter to His Holiness with P. Beau has preserved the beginning. The pious prelate was using his knowledge of the holy fathers, to remind gently to the sovereign pontiff a text from one of his most illustrious predecessors, and both his patron, Saint Leo the Great.

" Holy Father, let me address your Holiness in his rereading the words that Saint Leo his illustrious predecessor, addressed to the Christian people: Go closer friendships with the holy angels .

Leo X, by a Bull dated April 18, 1518, beginning with the words: our Admonet, responded positively to the expectation of the pious Bishop of Rodez, who saw and meet its most ardent wishes. We were able to obtain a copy of this invaluable piece, which is surely the first tribute paid to the worship of Holy Angels by one of the successors of St. Peter, it has not been published before now.
Leo X by Raphael.
"Leo, etc.. For perpetual memory.

Our venerable Brother, Francis d'Estaing, bishop of Rodez, we recently filed a motion with the result that, as befits a wise and happy director of the church of Rodez which charge, and according to the talents her God-given, the distributor of all graces, having surrounded the lights of many clerics, well versed in the knowledge of canonical hours and other divine offices, and after taking the consent and approbation of his dear son, the canons of his cathedral church, he had almost reduced to practice, the rite and the Roman calendar, uses and rituals followed in the canonical hours of the day and night in various churches in the diocese of Rodez, as the ancient calendar in use in the city and diocese.
Similarly, in the new schedule he added the party's own angels of each believer, by fixing the 1st March, and had prescribed the recitation and observation for each year on this day, from the first until the second Vespers Vespers, including the solemn mass, a special office created and edited by the care of his dear Colombi son John, Bishop of Troy, the Order of Friars Minor and professor of theology, as recounted at greater length in the authentic pieces together in booklet form. The care we need to fulfill our pastoral care, invites us to pay particular attention to anything that is capable of promoting regularity in the daily recitation of the canonical hours of the day night, which derive such great comfort to all who take part. In all initiatives taken in this direction, so that they remain firm and inviolable, we need when we are requesting, provide the support of our sovereign authority.
Therefore, from the same French, bishop, we humbly begged been condescending, a favor by our apostolic benevolence, to give them value firmer, add to these cuts, reform, publishing institution, letters and writings, the strength of our apostolic confirmation.
We therefore, having absolved and declared such, but only for the purpose hereof, and assuming it is not necessary, the aforesaid bishop of any excommunication, suspense, forbidden, and other ecclesiastical sentences, censures and penalties provided, either by law or by a special authority, expressly approved and after all the letters and writings written on this subject, very happy to granting these petitions, our apostolic authority and by the terms hereof, approve and confirm the reform, change, the addition and the institution of the feast and the Office of Clean Angel, and any and all matters contained in these letters and written, and we add the guarantee of perpetual value, supplying all the defects of law and fact which may have occurred, notwithstanding apostolic constitutions and ordinances as well as those of the diocese of Rodez and other churches that 'they are confirmed by oath, apostolic confirmation or otherwise, notwithstanding also all statutes, customs or other things otherwise.
it is therefore permissible for anyone to go against our present absolution, approval, confirmation, addition and residual, etc.. If anyone so ... Given at Rome, St. Peter, the year of the Incarnation Lord's 1518, the eve of the Ides of April, the sixth of our pontificate.
Thus, according to the papal document, François d'Estaing, in his reform was re sought to reconcile possible to the Roman calendar. It is a trait that should be emphasized by a French prelate, very attached to national customs, as we have seen in many places, but equally very anxious not contravene the wishes of the Holy See and to the liturgical question, sincerely wishing to join the clergy in the church of Rome.

the same day, Leo X sent to the bishop of Rodez another letter, this form of short, granting an indulgence for all the faithful who attend the first Mass said in honor of the Guardian Angel.
" Leo X, Pope, one and all the faithful Christians who see these presents, Hi and apostolic blessing.
Although we have a singular desire to give the people of God's spiritual food, however, we are especially nice to graze in the spiritually sacred mysteries of the Mass, where immolates all his saints the Saviour of mankind.
Today, in fact, our venerable brother François d'Estaing, bishop of Rodez, as we explained how, with the consent and approbation of his beloved son the canons of his cathedral church, he instituted the feast of the Angel Proper of every believer, to celebrate and observe the first day of March in the church of Rodez and all other churches in the diocese, and we, by other letters, among other concessions, have of our apostolic authority, approved and confirmed this laudable institution.
Desiring therefore reward of heavenly favors the faithful of either sex and attending the first Mass celebrated by the Clean Angel said Francis, bishop, and in the same office, to engage to travel in greater numbers to this celebration and recitation by the hope of rebuilding their abundant soul through heavenly grace, trusting in the mercy of Almighty God and the authority of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul to each and every one of the other sex and truly contrite and confessed, or have the intention to confess that the day when Francis Bishop will celebrate the first Mass in his own angels cathedral, visit the church aforesaid, we grant mercifully in the Lord thirty years and as many quarantines real indulgence, this concession is no longer to have no value after the first day of celebration.
Given at Rome, St. Peter, under the Fisherman's ring, the 12th day of April 1518, of our Pontificate, the sixth .
Pope Leo X, as we know, had an open mind to all major initiatives. That of François d'Estaing pleased him very much. According to the testimony of Father Beautiful, especially based on a short he states that he traveled from his eyes, the Holy Father was informed François d'Estaing he intended to propose the Feast of the Guardian Angels to the universal Church. It was only the office a little long, so he urged him to shorten it: "We can thus more easily, he said, imitating your devotion and piety and the honor due to the Guardian Angels require that office the universal Church. " Obedient to that vow, François d'Estaing shorten the office, but in the meantime, the Pope died and the project did not materialize immediately.

Nothing was missing for solemnizing immediately in the diocese of Rodez a party that could easily become popular. But God works on earth must, before settling, stand the test of contradiction, and a company is often more noble and beautiful, she is attacked in his birth and in its progress. Remember the opposition has faced in recent times the worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. God allows the righteous designs inspired by him, can not settle for many years that will, sometimes straight, often malicious and stubborn, prevent their progress when at the holy company emerges victorious coalitions, she received the seal that shows all its divine origin, and is progressing wonderfully and extends for the greater good of the Church.

The opposition came to François d'Estaing, a member of his chapter: Archdeacon Garrigues. [...] When François d'Estaing in 1518, had received the precious bubbles, Garrigues, already in conflict with his bishop, took on the road to Rome. He did not pretend to nothing less than to convict Francis as heretical for its bold innovations. He worked so successfully for his cause, that everything we had planned to Rodez for the solemn celebration of the feast had to be licensed suspended, pending the conclusion of the trial has begun.

Shortly before his death in 1521, Pope Leo X gave an award cons Garrigues, and maintained to François d'Estaing all concessions obtained. Without doubt the enemies of our bishop would rely on the death of the great Pontiff to start their intrigues. François d'Estaing thought necessary to bring the matter back before the new Pope Adrian VI. This fully confirmed the acts of his predecessor, but another cons-time arises and hinders even the pious company. Adrian VI died after a pontificate of a few months before his Chancery was able to make out the concessions granted to him by the Bishop of Rodez. However, all was ready and the new Pope, Clement VII, hastened to have it sent to François d'Estaing Ration congruit the Bull of 26 November 1523, which ended the whole affair.

The difficulties were ironed out now, and besides the clergy Rodez (arms of the city below cons) had not waited until the last Papal award given to embrace the devotion and recite the office, we did not, however, still had external solemnity. The Blessed One, armed with authorizations and papal privileges, having even won, if we can believe Fr Beautiful, for the day of the first Mass as an indulgence of jubilee, offered to call his people to a wonderful party. He announced and prepared well in advance so it was delayed until 1526. Remember that this year is the completion of the steeple of the Cathedral. Are we not allowed to think that the holy bishop wanted to wait to celebrate the saints Angels that Mary had been placed on his throne? At a festival that should take place outdoors, the elegant and stately tower certainly add to the scenery outside and the Queen of Angels chair appears to glorify our heavenly patrons.

On June 3, 1526 was Sunday in the octave of Corpus Christi: This was the day chosen for the magnificent solemnity. We were expecting an enormous crowd in Rodez, so do not think he needed to do the office at the cathedral. A wide plaza could only provide the appropriate location. Joining the gates of the city, the west side was a large field used for centuries for the four great fairs of Rodez, who remained traditional until today. It was the site still known as the foiral, then lo feyral, or the suburb of Albespeyres. Basically, for some years stood the buildings of the monastery, inhabited by monks who had all the sympathy of the pious bishop. On this vast expanse of land, at the beautiful panorama that unfolds from there for the viewer, would be celebrated the first Mass ever said that in honor of the guardian angels. An altar of vast proportions was raised against Church of the Carthusians, and the people massed on the plaza, on the ramparts of the city, and even on the hills surrounding the amphitheater, and Camonil across the Auterne. It counted, "said Father Beautiful, more than one hundred thousand people.

Without doubt the assessment of a crowd is a very difficult operation and the narrator of a popular festival have to guard against exaggeration. However this figure does not seem implausible to know that the willingness of our ancestors at some pilgrimages, and especially the truly heroic zeal they began to enjoy indulgences, even more of a jubilee. The jubilee of Our Lady of Le Puy is famous, ancient chronicles tell us of a crowd of 300,000 people in some years. Rodez itself has seen many events where the religious faithful flocked now seems extraordinary and yet is attested by credible accounts. The jubilee of 1702 the influx was incredible solemnities lasted from April 23 until June 23 Daily processions arrived, sometimes far removed from parishes. On May 15 there arrived 111 parishes there were no fewer than 40,000 people that day at Rodez. If instead of lasting two months, Jubilee had lasted one day, as in 1526 for the Feast of the Guardian Angel, the figure of 100,000 given by Fr assistants Beau would have been far exceeded.

What could not have been the holy joy of the Blessed d'Estaing when he saw running this huge crowd came to cheer the great work of his life! Success was now complete, final, the Saints have their troughs Guardian holiday, on his return outweigh the faithful in their hearts a tender reverence for these heavenly protectors. This cult would cross the border soon Rouergue ; Be enriched Catholic piety and devotion of a new Christian people be surprised for not having thought more. Gradually extend the cult and the sovereign authority completes its work by proposing to Christianity as a whole, as a new treasure of graces.


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