members Archconfraternity commitment to train for ever better acquainted with the doctrine of the Church and thus live better, we indicate below conferences exempt one Thursday per month (from 8:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. ) in the parish of Pacy, and this year devoted to the Sacraments. They take place next to the rectory, and ends with the Office of Compline.
October 21, 2010: The Divine Office or Liturgy of the Hours (Breviary).
November 18, 2010: What is a sacrament?
November 18, 2010: What is a sacrament?
December 16 2010: Baptism.
Jan 20, 2011: Confirmation.
Feb 17. 2011: The Wedding.
March 17, 2011: The Confession.
May 19, 2011: Extreme Unction.
June 16, 2011: The College.
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