Friday, October 1, 2010

Make Floating Arm Trebuchet

Spain celebrates his Guardian Angel

Nations, like men, have their guardian angel. Many ecclesiastical writers have said, include among others Theodoret S. Basil the Great, S. Gregory Nazianzen, S. John Chrysostom ... then our dear grand archdeacon of Evreux and to Pope John Paul II (June 30, 1986). Consistent with this, King Ferdinand VII asked the Apostolic See the grant of a feast of the Guardian Angel Spain, something granted by Pope Leo XII (1823-1829), as of October 1. On May 13, 1920 - about 3 years after the apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, where the Guardian Angel of Portugal also appeared - at St Joseph Madrid, Alfonso XIII and the royal family attended the dedication of the altar dedicated to the Guardian Angel English , Whose statue existed before, and should have been placed at the Monument of the "Cerro de los Angeles - Angels Hill, located at the geographic center of the country - but the project was overtaken by angelic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus : Alfonso XIII of Spain and he devoted to the Sacred Heart May 30, 1919. The Mass is the same as the next day (holy Guardian Angels), but with the prayers and the office clean.
God Almighty and eternal God, who through an ineffable Providence have assigned an angel to each kingdom to keep him, we beseech You, grant us by prayers and patronage of the guardian angel of our Kingdom, we are always delivered from all adversity. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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