Friday, October 22, 2010

Long Dong Silver Follando

St. Salome, mother of Apostles Feast of St.

St. Salome asking NS to place his son in his right hand two and on his left, at the advent of His kingdom.
Mother of the Apostles John and Jacques le Majeur (de Compostela), St. Salome is one of the holy women who are bravely remained faithful to Our Lord at the foot of the Cross, after having supported throughout his public life. Sainte Salome is celebrated at the Cathedral of Evreux, as outlined below Mr. Boudon in a letter to his friend Mr. Thomas, of Paris. His feast day is today, and St. Mary Cleophas, his own mother, the latter is normally celebrated on hand April 24.

" I hope you get this letter the day in which the cathedral is one of the most solemn holidays of the year in Evreux, the feast of blessed Mary Jacobe and Salome we relics, and where there are several churches in the diocese dedicated to God in their honor, they are the family of our good Saviour and his immaculate Mother . (Letter 341, to Mr. Thomas)
In this Deposition at the Sepulcher, St. Salome is bottom left, kneeling.


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