Friday, October 1, 2010

How Win Light Contests For Xmas

S. Remi, Apostle of the Franks Feast of St.

S. Remi baptising Clovis (Painting in Sainte-Genevieve de Paris).

S. Remi (437-533) is the bishop of Reims who baptized and anointed King Clovis, December 25 496, what remains in our annals as the "Baptism of France," the union of God and France, in the person of the king. The liturgy celebrates today also other patterns of northern Gaul, namely the saints Vaast, Germain, Amand, Bavo and Piat.
Remi was the son of Emile de Laon and St. Celine, and brother of S. Principle, bishop of Soissons. It catechised Clovis, with the help of St. Clotilde. He died after 74 years as bishop!

His shrine, exceptional, is preserved in the abbey of Saint-Remi of Reims, and carried in procession each year, in the parish of Saint-Remi (Mass daily at 8:30). Pray that he will soon be well in Evreux for our Apostle, St. Taurin!

O God Almighty and eternal God, Who have established the empire of the Franks to be the world's most divine instrument of Your will, the sword and Boulevard of your holy Church, we pray you, tell always and everywhere the light of the heavenly son supplicants of the Franks, in order that they see what it takes to establish Your kingdom in this world, and that to do so they have seen, their love and courage to go always becoming stronger.
Finally, ponder the recommendation of St. Leo IX to France:
"Know your fondness she has to solemnly celebrate the feast of the blessed Remi, for s' Apostle it is not against others, it is the least for you. Render therefore to your honor as Apostle and Father, that you deserve, according to the divine word, to live long on the earth, and sent in his prayers to have eternal bliss. "
And Dom Guéranger comment:
"When he spoke thus, the Supreme Pontiff himself had to spend your August church for the third time already magnificently rebuilt in accordance with the requirements of the growing devotion to the nation . Nine centuries have passed since then increased your rights to the gratitude of the people whom you Infusat life so powerfully that no one did not reach that length. Silvestre again another Constantine, we give thanks.

Praise the Lord, who deigned to appear in your admirable ! In remembrance of God's actions in all latitudes made by your son Franks, the Church recognizes the validity of the application that you made of the glorious lines announcing first the messiah: "Listen , islands, so far as you are, hear, people. The Lord called me from the womb, and he told me I gave you as a light to the nations to save them to the ends of the earth . True light of salvation than Christmas, when it pleased the Lord to bless the work, grant the wishes of your long episcopate; holy by faith that you announced, you were then the node's alliance new people trained winners and losers in this land of France, who first made to herself, soon went to God dispelled legacies of the former empire. One true Church, the Bride unique lowered, abandoned, Rémi gets up here at this time to tell your son captives: Get off the irons, and those whose night you hid the view: Appear! From the North, noon, beyond the sea, see them come in multitudes, all of them are yours. "

Heaven So, pop praise, rejoice, earth: for the Lord took pity on the misery of his people, after the entire century-long deluge of heresy and barbarism, God once again showed that the confidence of those who trust in him is never confused.

It will not be more in our time, O Remi, if you will submit to the Lord God the prayers of the son of the Franks remained faithful to your religion, your father's memory. The renegades sold to the enemy of the Church and the country can bully a time the mob abused, they are not the nation. A day will come when Christ, King forever, will repeat his angels to guard the Clovis word of his lieutenant: "I hate that Goths have good soil of France; hunt them with her, for she belongs to us is .


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