Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Leaf Blower Compaision

1st Tuesday of the month - Published Bulletin Fall Conferences

St. Michael the Archangel, of your light enlighten us!
St. Michael the Archangel, your wings protect us!
St. Michael the Archangel, your sword defend us against Satan and his evil angels!

As every first Tuesday of the month, members of the Confraternity will greet you at the Notre-Dame d'Evreux at 16 pm to salute the Holy Sacrament, then Mr. Boudon remains in the chapel of Holy Angels, before "climbing" Le Petit Mont-Saint-Michel ... The Confraternity then invites you to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the Mass of the 1st Tuesday of the month, she told in honor of S. Michel in France, at St Aubin de-Pacy, respectively 7:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. ET . We will not fail to entrust to the Lord our colleague's hospitalization Nathalie.

Moreover, the last Bulletin SS. Angels (No. 22) was published.

the program!

- File: September, the month of SS. Angels.
- Spiritual Life: "How to live the Mass", by S. Cure of Ars.
- Work of Ven. Boudon : Devotion to the nine Choirs of Angels (continued).
- History: "The shrine of S. Michael Vine, at Evreux.
- Catechesis: Small means of grace.
Life of Mr. Boudon (continued).
- Anthology angelic.
- Life of the Confraternity.

Please contact the Company H.-M. Boudon for obtain a copy, subscribe or make it known.


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